7 Braces Myths You Need to Know

Have you been considering braces for yourself or your child? If so, you’ve likely had questions surrounding the treatment process and how it works. Our team at Kottemann Orthodontics often hears about the concerns and fears about beginning orthodontic treatment. That’s why we are here for you and your family every step of the way! 

One of our goals is to bust common myths surrounding braces and orthodontic treatment. Below we will explore some of the main concerns people often get wrong about braces and what you can expect from our team! 

Braces are only used for tweens and teens.

Many people often associate traditional braces with a teen in a full set of metal braces. However, that’s not an accurate reflection of orthodontic treatment. Our Chaska, Maple Grove, Orono, and Plymouth area patients will find that we can treat anyone, no matter the life stage!  

Braces are only useful for straightening teeth.

It’s common that misaligned teeth and jaws can lead to various difficulties when it comes to eating, speaking and caring for your teeth and gums. Braces not only straighten crooked teeth but also help correct these issues. Treatment with braces can improve your oral health and speech and result in a brand-new smile! 

Braces take a long time to work.

At Kottemann Orthodontics, we know that every case we treat is unique. Since there is no one-size-treats-all treatment plan, every treatment time will vary based on various factors. It all comes down to the improvements you hope to achieve, your case’s complexity, and your compliance with our doctors’ recommendations. 

Braces will hurt.

This is one of the top concerns we hear from our patients. While there may be some mild discomfort at the beginning of your treatment process and during your adjustment appointments. Our doctors are here to assure you that there is no need to be anxious about wearing braces and that there will not be any long-term discomfort or pain. 

Braces will severely limit what you can eat.

When starting treatment, there will be an adjustment period and getting used to a few food restrictions. However, these restrictions are only relevant when it comes to sticky and crunchy foods. During treatment, you’ll be asked to avoid foods such as popcorn, nutty candy and chewing gum. But keep in mind, this is only temporary! 

Braces are the only option for improving your smile.
Orthodontic treatment is more than just traditional braces. We offer ways beyond traditional braces to correct your bite, such as clear braces or Invisalign. Since every smile is unique, our doctors will provide you with the best treatment plan for your smile. 

Braces will keep your teeth straight forever.

This is more so wishful thinking rather than a myth. Once you’ve finished your braces treatment, it’s vital to focus on post-treatment care. Retainers help give long-lasting results that you will enjoy for years! Our doctors will direct you on how to wear your retainers to ensure you receive the most out of your orthodontic investment. 

7 Braces Myths You Need to Know

Start your new smile journey with braces at Kottemann Orthodontics.

Whether you are contemplating braces for yourself or your child, know that our team is here to help address any concerns and begin your orthodontic journey! Moving forward with braces is a big decision, and we value your trust in our team. Get in touch with one of our Chaska, Maple Grove, Orono, and Plymouth offices to schedule your free consultation today!