Two-Phase Treatment

Are you a parent who lives in Chaska, Maple Grove, Orono, or Plymouth? If so, you know that starting your child’s first orthodontic treatment can feel like navigating a maze. You’re probably wondering, “Where do I begin?” That’s where we come in. At Kottemann Orthodontics, Dr. William, Dr. Kraig, Dr. Scott, and Dr. Alisha are your escorts; they have a secret weapon! It’s called two-phase orthodontic treatment. But what is that? And how can it improve your child’s oral health? In this blog, we’ll pull back the curtain. You’ll get a behind-the-scenes tour of two-phase orthodontic treatment. It’s a method that helps align your child’s teeth and boosts oral well-being. It may sound like a fairy tale, but trust us, it’s real, and it’s what two-phase treatment can do!

Two-Phase Treatment: A Perfect Two-Hit Combo

Think of two-phase orthodontic treatment as a two-step dance routine with two main goals:

  1. Align your child’s teeth correctly.
  2. Ensure your child’s smile fits beautifully with the natural shape of their jaw and face.

This dual focus means your child can have a fantastic, functional, and ferocious smile that drops jaws. 

But there’s more! Two-phase treatment isn’t just aligning teeth. It prevents potential issues and oversees your child’s oral development toward a lifetime of radiant smiles. And the best part? This treatment isn’t a one-fits-all treatment. It’s tailored to your child’s needs to ensure the best results possible.

The Kottemann Guide to Two-Phase Treatment

Understanding the two-phase treatment process might feel like trying to crack a secret code. But don’t worry. We’re here to help!

The treatment is split into two parts. The first part, or the “early intervention phase,” starts while your child still has most of their baby teeth. This phase is about identifying extreme problems early on, preventing them from worsening and becoming harder to fix. Neither you nor your child wants that! It might involve keeping track of how their jaw grows. Or, we might need to make more room for crowded teeth or correct oral habits that could cause problems later.

Next is a break or a resting period. We let nature take its course during this time, allowing the remaining adult teeth to come in naturally. This rest period is crucial because it lets your child’s jaw grow fully, setting the stage for the next part of the treatment.

The second part usually involves clear or metal braces. We also offer clear aligners, like Invisalign. Here, the focus is on ensuring each tooth is in the right spot, which balances the teeth with the lips, cheeks, and tongue to create a glorious smile. This phase is where the term “facial symmetry” comes in. It’s all about the aesthetic balance of your child’s face. 

We can often create attractive, stable, and long-lasting smiles by addressing orthodontic issues in two parts. This approach allows us at Kottemann Orthodontics to optimize your child’s growth and development to improve their oral health.

Two-Phase Treatment

What Advantages Two-Phase Treatment Provides

Two-phase treatment isn’t just a procedure; it’s a journey toward a brighter, more confident smile for your child. But what makes it so unique? Let’s explore some of the key benefits.

One of the most significant benefits of two-phase treatment is its proactive nature. By intervening early, we can ease the growth of the jaw the right way. We can correct harmful oral habits and make room for crowded teeth. This early action often produces a more balanced, functional bite and an excellent smile.

But the benefits aren’t just physical. Early treatment can also elevate your child’s sense of self-worth. By addressing any smile concerns earlier, we can help your child feel more confident about their smile during their crucial growing-up years.

So, who benefits most from this journey? Two-phase treatment is typically recommended for children who show specific orthodontic issues early, usually around ages 7 to 10. These issues include crossbites, severe crowding, or protruding front teeth. You might hear the doctor refer to these issues as “malocclusions.” But don’t let that technical term intimidate you. Just think of them as “bad bites.” 

However, it’s important to remember that not every child will need two-phase treatment. At Kottemann Orthodontics, we know that each child is unique, and their orthodontic needs will be too. We take the time to evaluate each child’s needs individually to determine the most effective treatment plan.

The First Steps In Two-Phase Treatment

During phase one, we’re like your child’s personal growth coaches, helping their jaw grow and setting the stage for the future alignment of their permanent teeth. This phase usually involves using special orthodontic devices and lasts about 6-12 months. 

After this, there’s a rest period where the rest of your child’s adult teeth can emerge at their own pace. Just as you need a good night’s sleep, your child’s teeth need rest too! They need time to recover from phase one.  

Phase two typically lasts around a year or two. We will fit them with Invisalign or clear or metal braces. During this phase, we focus on ensuring each tooth is in the right place, which balances the teeth with the lips, cheeks, and tongue to create a smile that’s truly a sight to behold.

Two-Phase Treatment

Kottemann Orthodontics Is Your Palatal Paradise

At Kottemann Orthodontics, we’re all about spreading smiles in our Chaska, Maple Grove, Orono, and Plymouth communities. Every child deserves a radiant smile that boosts their confidence. Two-phase treatment is just one of the many ways Dr. William, Dr. Kraig, Dr. Scott, and Dr. Alisha make this dream a reality. If you’re wondering how this innovative approach could improve your child’s smile, we’re here to help. Schedule a free consultation with us today!